Get Job Last Run Summary
SQL Server 2000: Not Supported**
SQL Server 2005: Tested
SQL Server 2008: Tested
SQL Server 2008R2: Tested
SQL Server 2012: Not Tested
Author: ChillyDBA
Date: 23 Jul 2012
Retrieves a list of all SQLAgent scheduled jobs only associated with SQL Server Maintenance Plans and their active status.
The list is augmented with last run status, duration, message and notification data.
It requires the presence of the following functions:
** NOTE: This code was written for SQL 2005 and greater. There are slightly different views for obtaining data from SQL 2000, or for obtaining data in SQL 2005+ that has been subjected to an upgrade from SQL 2000. While upgrading maintenance plans generally works, I have always found it beneficial in the long term to recreate them from scratch. The feature set is better, and there are some tasks that are not 100% happy working across editions. I have therefore not included versions of the code that support SQL 2000 version maintenance plans.
Stored Procedure:
DROP PROC usp_GetMaintPlanJobLastRunSummary
CREATE PROC usp_GetMaintPlanJobLastRunSummary
Purpose: To list all SQL Maintenance Plan jobs
scheduled using SQL Agent and
the last run details if they exist.
Utilised the following function(s) to retrieve
results and/or to enhance readability:
dbo.udf_GetMSDBJobList - gets a basic set of job details
dbo.udf_IntToDateTime - converts the MSDB date and time integers into a datetime variable
NOTE: This SP is basically the usp_GetMSDBJobLastRunSummary sp with an additional join
via the sysmaintplan_subplans table to screen out all non-MaintPlan jobs.
Author: ChillyDBA
History: 23 July 2012 - Intial Issue
;WITH LastRun AS
jh.job_id AS Job_ID,
MAX(jh.instance_id) AS Instance_ID
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh (NOLOCK)
WHERE jh.step_id = 0 --'(Job OutCome)'
GROUP BY jh.job_id
jobs.Job_ID AS Job_ID,
jobs.JobName AS JobName,
jobs.Category AS JobCategory,
jobs.Enabled AS JobEnabled,
jobs.Scheduled AS JobScheduled,
jobs.Description AS JobDescription,
jobs.Occurs AS JobOccurs,
jobs.OccursDetail AS JobOccursDetail,
jobs.Frequency AS JobFrequency,
jobs.Duration AS JobDuration,
jobs.JobValidUntil AS JobValidUntil,
jh.sql_message_id AS JobSQLMessageID,
jh.sql_severity AS JobSQLSeverity,
jh.MESSAGE AS JobMessage,
dbo.udf_IntToDateTime(jh.run_date, jh.run_time) AS JobLastRunDate,
run_duration AS JobLastRunDuration,
CASE jh.run_status
WHEN 0 THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 1 THEN 'Succeeded'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Retry'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Cancelled'
END AS JobLastRunStatus, AS OperatorEmailed, AS OperatorNetSent, AS OperatorPaged,
jh.server AS ServerName
FROM dbo.udf_GetMSDBJobList (NULL, 'A') jobs
-- NOTE: we can join directly to subplans as this is the first table in the maintplan storage
-- that contains a link to SQLAgent jobs. This ensures only MaintPlan jobs are returned in the results
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmaintplan_subplans sp
ON jobs.job_id = sp.job_id
ON jobs.job_id = lr.job_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh (NOLOCK)
ON lr.job_id = jh.job_id
AND lr.Instance_ID = jh.Instance_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysoperators soe
ON jh.operator_id_emailed =
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysoperators son
ON jh.operator_id_netsent =
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysoperators sop
ON jh.operator_id_paged =