Get Progress of currently running SQL Agent jobs
SQL Server 2000: Not Tested
SQL Server 2005: Tested
SQL Server 2008: Tested
SQL Server 2008R2: Tested
SQL Server 2012: Not Tested
Author: Supplied by Max Vernon
Date: 3 Sep 2014
Thanks to Max Vernon for this. I supplied him a copy of the Get Restore Progress code and he very quickly reciprocated with this variant that produces a similar report for all SQL Agent jobs currently running. Very useful when you are using Central Management Server or for a server that has a lot of scheduled jobs.
Shows the progress of any running SQL Agent jobs
ActionID INT
, ActionText VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO @Actions (ActionID, ActionText)
VALUES ( 1,'Quit with success')
INSERT INTO @Actions (ActionID, ActionText)
VALUES (2,'Quit with failure')
INSERT INTO @Actions (ActionID, ActionText)
VALUES (3,'Go to next step')
INSERT INTO @Actions (ActionID, ActionText)
VALUES (4, 'Go to step on_success_step_id');
SELECT JobName =
, StepName = sjs.step_name
, OnSuccessAction = ASuccess.ActionText
, OnFailAction = AFail.ActionText
, r.blocking_session_id
, r.estimated_completion_time
, r.last_wait_type
, r.start_time
, SQLStatement = SUBSTRING(t.TEXT, ISNULL(r.statement_start_offset,0), CASE WHEN ISNULL(r.statement_end_offset,0) = -1 THEN LEN(t.TEXT) ELSE ISNULL(r.statement_end_offset,0) END - ISNULL(r.statement_start_offset,0))
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r WITH (NOLOCK)ON s.session_id = r.session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) t
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps sjs WITH (NOLOCK) ON SUBSTRING(s.program_name,30,34) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(34), CONVERT(VARBINARY(32), sjs.job_id), 1)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj (NOLOCK) ON sjs.job_id = sj.job_id
INNER JOIN @Actions AFail ON sjs.on_fail_action = AFail.ActionID
INNER JOIN @Actions ASuccess ON sjs.on_fail_action = ASuccess.ActionID
WHERE s.program_name LIKE 'SQLAgent%';