String Manipulation
Very Fast String Splitter - Pivots a delimited list into a single column results table.
Alternate String Splitter (Tally Table) - Utilizes a tally (numbers) table to parse and split a string in one pass, with no looping.
Alternate String Splitter (XML) - Utilizes XML to parse and split a string in one pass, with no looping (replaces delimiter with artificial XML tag).
Enhanced String Cleaner/Trimmer - Removes non-breaking spaces and all other control characters from the leading and trailing edges of a string.
Get Occurrences of Character in String - Returns the ordinal position of all occurrences of the supplied character in the supplied string. Optional enforcing of case sensitivity.
Get Count of Occurrences of Character in String - Returns the count of all occurrences of the supplied character in the supplied string. Optional enforcing of case sensitivity.
Extract Parts of an IP V4 Address - Returns all for parts of a full IP string (IPv4 only). Utilizes the system function PARSENAME().
Get Nth item from delimited string - Returns the Nth item from a delimited list supplied in a single string. Delimiter can be any single character.
Extract Parts of a URL String - Parses a URL string and returns Base URL, Page Name and Parameter String portions, along with the original URL String.
Add Leading Zeros to Integer String - Function to return an integer string left padded to a specified width with '0'. Integer must be supplied as a string.